Web Design

It’s an art!

Designing a web page for your business is one of the most challenging tasks for web designers. Because every business has a different type of audience & different type of contents. Here are major pointers which VRUXSOL will take care while designing your website.

Major factors that can make huge impact in web design process.

  • Select Fonts (To improve your business value!)
  • Colors
  • Making A Sections
  • Use spaces efficiently
  • Design Footer
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • User Accessibility

Lets understand above pointers quickly!

  1. Fonts: Selecting fonts for your business can directly affect your business brand. Unique fonts can give a unique brand impression on your audience.
  2. Colors: Too many colors or Single colors with shades? That can define based on your contents. For. ex. If you have paragraph kind of contents then you can use single colors with multiple shades. On the other hand, If you have multiple pointers or lists or categories then you can assign different colors to each category & in a single category you can use the color shades of a single color.
  3. Sections: One Section in a row or use multiple blocks in a single row. Again it depends on the type of contents.
  4. Spacing: Of course this is the smallest thing but it will create a huge impact on your readers/visitors. Information which is written with efficiently utilized spaces can encourage readers to spend more time on the page as well as your content becomes easier to understand. So next time if you write any article or paragraph, use spaces efficiently.
  5. Footer: Yes, your footer defines the size of your content you have on your website! Every link that you put in your footer should be the most important links of your business. It will also impact on the SEO of your website.
  6. Mobile Friendly: Your page design should be in such a way that it will set automatically in a sequence in mobile view. Because nowadays 80% of the website visits on mobile devices.
  7. User Accessibility: Let’s understand this quickly by this simple example. Most of the users use mobiles with their right hand. So if you have a menu at the bottom-right corner of the screen they can easily browse the contents available on your website!